Olivier von Dach Software Craftsman

About me

Software designer and developer engineer for over twenty years in large companies, focusing these last decades on JVM (Quarkus, Java, Spring, Kotlin, Scala) and Web (Angular) technologies.

The craftsman’s spirit animates my daily work, quality is not an option and technical excellence matters.

Since the beginning of my career, I have advocated the development of well-designed software as a medium and long-term investment to combine human and economic benefits by improving the developer’s experience and the company’s responsiveness to the market.

Collaborative work with domain experts, Event-storming, Specification by example, Domain-Driven Design, Test-Driven Development, SOLID principles, Design patterns, OO and Functional paradigms, Clean, Reactive, distributed architectures, and Actor model, are ingredients I like to use to tackle domain complexity, delight elegant code writing, and apprehend the non-functional aspects of demanding systems.

Coaching, presenting, and drawing activities allow me to satisfy my natural need to transmit knowledge and thus contribute to the development of IT teams’ skills.

I am a dynamic and curious person, hooked on life, and forever in love with sports and travel activities. Here is a proverb I like: “If you want to go fast then go alone, if you want to go far then go together”.