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This documentation

Build technical documentation with ./gradlew allureAggregateReport plantumlAll generateSwaggerUI mkdocsBuild.

Publication to Structurizr cloud

  • To have a free account on
  • To run: java \ -cp ./build/libs/arch-blueprint-kotlin.jar \ -Dloader.main=edu.obya.blueprint.client.c4.C4WithDsl \ org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher \ ./src/c4/blueprint.dsl \ <workspace-id>
  • To visualize your architecture model at

Map components flows

Record components flows with ./gradlew appmap test.

Then, view your local AppMap JSON resources following this tutorial.

Static code analysis

Run test and production codes with Detekt, e.g. gradlew clean build or gradlew detekt


Draft new release of the application from GitHub release panel.

Test users

  • test / test gives access to almost all endpoints but the delete and shutdown ones.
  • admin / admin gives access to all functional and configured application management endpoints.

Spring profiles

  • local execution on local Postgres databases on port 5432.
  • test defines credentials and access control for anonymous, test and admin users.
  • r2dbc enables persistence with relational database using R2DBC reactive driver.