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Use cases

Simple DSL read

To read a C4-model from a local file. As a result, the JSON representation of the model get printed in the console.

  • Describe your C4-model into a model file.
  • Example java -cp build/libs/arch-c4-sync.jar edu.obya.c4.appl.ReadAppKt doc/c4/dsl/sample.dsl

Simple DSL upload

To publish a C4-model file to a Structurizr cloud account. As a result, the remote C4-model can be visualized online on the Structurizr website.

  • Retrieve the ID of your private Structurizr Workspace with your credentials (API-key, API-secret).
  • Describe your C4-model into a model file.
  • Example java -cp build/libs/arch-c4-sync.jar edu.obya.c4.appl.UploadAppKt doc/c4/dsl/sample.dsl <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret>
  • Visualize your C4-model online on Structurizr

Simple download

To download a remote C4-model from a Structurizr cloud account. As a result, the JSON representation of the model get printed in the console.

  • Retrieve the ID of your private Structurizr Workspace with your credentials (API-key, API-secret).
  • Execute java -cp build/libs/arch-c4-sync.jar edu.obya.c4.appl.DownloadAppKt <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret>


To synchronize a remote C4-model hosted in a Structurizr cloud account with a local C4-model.

  • Retrieve the ID of your private Structurizr Workspace with your credentials (API-key, API-secret).
  • Describe your local C4-model into a model file.
  • Example java -jar build/libs/arch-c4-sync.jar -download <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret> -dsl doc/c4/dsl/sample.dsl -upload
  • Visualize your remote C4-model online on Structurizr


  • -download <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret> downloads a C4-model from a remote Structurizr workspace
  • -upload [<workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret>] uploads the resulting C4-model to a remote Structurizr workspace
  • -dsl <list of paths> activates the scanning of C4-model out of json or dsl files
  • -metadata <list of paths> activates the scanning of C4-model out of metatada.yaml files
  • -naming <path> replaces the default naming file by the given one
  • -viewcount <max count> limits the number of views inside the resulting C4-model
  • -viewfilter <list of keys> filters the views inside the resulting C4-model
  • -broker imports queues and exchanges from main broker
  • -relationshipinfer infers not specified relationships
  • -viewgen [<list of views>] generates a set of standard views if these do no exist`
    • landscape|system|services|service|ownership|components|deployment
  • -viewenrich add some external context to container and component views
  • -viewclean remove some out of focus elements from container and component views
  • -sitegen generates a website composed of standard web cards if these do no exist

With Docker

docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` c4-sync -download <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret> -print
docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` c4-sync -download <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret> -dsl doc/c4/dsl -metadata metadata.yaml -broker -relationshipinfer -viewgen service -viewenrich -viewclean -upload
docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` c4-sync-default <workspace-id> <api-key> <api-secret>

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CI pipeline use

Every project is a contributor from its local doc/c4/dsl directory.


node('default') {
    stage("Checkout") {
        checkout scm
    stage("C4") {
        docker.withRegistry("") {
                credentialsId: 'structurizr_username',
                usernameVariable: 'structurizr_api_key',
                passwordVariable: 'structurizr_api_secret')]) {

                docker.image("").inside {
                    sh "c4-sync-default 38199 ${structurizr_api_key} ${structurizr_api_secret}"