Olivier von Dach Software Craftsman

Lombard Odier – GX platform modernisation

2023 - today


Lombard Odier’s GX platform intensively uses Redhat JBoss Java Enterprise Application platform. This technology stack is no longer supported, consequently, Lombard Odier software development teams have to migrate their existing JBoss EAP applications to another technology stack. The selected targets are Quarkus or SpringBoot Java application frameworks, the Redhat Openshift cloud enterprise platform, and with a native-first mindset.s


  • To collaborate with Lombard Odier software development teams for the migration of their JBoss Java Enterprise Applications to Quarkus native and Redhat Openshift platform.


  • To achieve technical migrations from JBoss EAP to Java Quarkus-Openshift in a native-first way.
  • To provide at least the same level of functionality and quality gates as the current existing solutions.
  • To design and develop technical foundations for the development of Quarkus native applications at Lombard Odier.
  • To support GenAI initiatives in the scope of this technical migration.


  • 200 applications to be migrated until end 2025
  • Optimization of migration workflow with automatisation


  • 1 migration squad of 6 software developers, inside a technical architecture team