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This documentation

Build technical documentation with ./gradlew allureAggregateReport plantumlAll generateSwaggerUI mkdocsBuild.

Publication to Structurizr cloud

  • To have a free account on
  • To run: java \ -cp ./build/libs/arch-blueprint-java.jar \ -Dloader.main=edu.obya.blueprint.customer.c4.BlueprintC4Model \ org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher \ ./src/c4/c4-blueprint-java.dsl \ <workspace-id>
  • To visualize your architecture model at

Map components flows

Record components flows with ./gradlew appmap test.

Then, view your local AppMap JSON resources following this tutorial.


Draft new release of the application from GitHub release panel.

Test users

  • test / test gives access to almost all endpoints but the delete and shutdown ones.
  • admin / admin gives access to all functional and configured application management endpoints.

Spring profiles

  • dev defines credentials and access control for test and admin users.
  • test defines credentials and access control for anonymous, test and admin users.
  • jpa enables persistence with relational database using JPA interface.
  • postgres configure datasource to use a local database running on port 5432.